The Obstacles of a Down Payment

According to the American Dream survey and, more than 50% of those renting say they would love to buy a home but their biggest obstacle is saving enough money for their down payment. The survey was done between August 30,2011 and September 1, 2011 with 1,392 homeowners and 758 renters. 70% of participants said…

Should I Buy a Home Above the Listing Price?

Although the market has had a few positive indicators showing improvement such as lower interest rates and lower home prices, the market is still having a tough time recovering from what seems to be a sluggish time for home sales. Inman news wrote an article with a few great tips on this subject. Here is…

Top Mortgage Mistakes to Avoid

It’s no secret the mortgage market is in a desperate state these days. Interest rates are at an all time low and many homes aren’t worth the mortgage balances secured. Homes are still being lost and millions of credible borrowers are being rejected. There are three common mortgage mistakes currently being made and ways to…