Three Things to Avoid When Buying a Home

There’s a lot to consider when buying a new home, and the list can be exhaustive and overwhelming, we know. Here are three simple things to consider when you are buying a home. Following this advice could keep you out of legal and financial trouble, so read carefully!

1. Buy when you’re desperate, upset, angry, or harboring any other negative emotions. Regardless of the cause of these emotions, they cloud your judgment and could lead you to make a bad choice. Your home will become your greatest and most expensive asset, and so you should make your decision with a clear mind.

2. Accept oral promises. If the buyer tells you that he fixed the plumbing, and you take his word for it without written proof, if there is an issue with the plumbing later on, the expense falls to you. Make sure that you get everything in writing; oral contracts are not enforceable, and you may suffer if you take them to be truthful.

3. Skip home inspection. Even new homes need to be inspected by a qualified, certified home inspector. Everyone makes mistakes, and that goes for the people who built your house too. Be on the safe side and hire an inspector to come out and look everything over. That way, you won’t have to deal with unpleasant surprises down the road.

To read the original article from Inman News, click here.

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